Sunday, July 3, 2011

Green Barley Philippines - The MIRACLE JUICE

How would you like to become 10 YEARS YOUNGER?
Have “CLARITY” of thought?
Barley have been popular for its own positive responses to human body. This unassuming grain has a great power to impart strength and replenish energy. It is very nutritious and easily digested, containing plenty of calcium, potassium, protein, and vitamins B complex and E. It relieves soreness and inflammation throughout the respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.

And it is for this reason that it is being introduce in a form that it will be open to public through they called Green Barley. GREEN BARLEY is a super food & is also called a“MIRACLE Juice” by those who have witnessed & experienced its miraculous power. Green barley can no longer be categorized only within the domains of 'alternative health' and 'hippie foods'. It is a total food that can prevent & cure diseases such as highblood, diabetes & even cancer. Nutritional science has conclusively shown that leafy greens are the most important foods for avoiding disease and maintaining optimum health. Endorsed by US-FDA that's why it has no label "No Approved Therapeutic Claim".  What it does is it DETOXIFIES, REPAIRS & REVITALIZES damaged cells which cause different diseases.

Some of the numerous MIRACULOUS CASES of Green Barley (GB):
- A child who was for kidney transplant, after regularly taking GB,
she's been well & transplant was not necessary anymore
- Stage 4 Prostate CA, after regularly taking GB, he won over his CA
- A bedridden patient who was discharged from the hospital & was
given by the Doctor only about 3 days to live, recovered after taking
Green Barley
- A patient who was diagnosed with moderate to a severe degree of
heart condition & was asked to prepare P500,000 for the
recommended bypass, after only 3 months of taking Green barley, her lab
test revealed superb news, the recommended surgery wouldn't be
necessary anymore.
- A breast cancer patient who was on the pit of death: cold purplish-
skin, blood pressure dropped to 40/0, after a few drops of GB, she arose from
unconsciousness, opened her eyes, asked for water & for more Green Barley.

Some Other Facts:
* 37 times mentioned in the bible (the use of it started since 8000 BC by Greeks, Romans, Chinese & Egyptians as food & medicine): “Get some barley meal, throw it in the pot & kill the poison” ~II Kings 4:38-44~
*  has 11 times the calcium in cow’s milk, 5x iron in spinach, 7 times the vit.c in oranges, 2x the beta carotene in carrots & 80 mg of vit.12 per 100 grams
*  can make us 10 years younger according to Dr. Howard Lutz-Director Institute for Preventive Medicine in Washington D.C.

-Protects Heart from Diseases and Complications
-Provides COMPLETE Micro-Nutrients for the Body
-Liver, Kidney and Lungs Cleanser
-Lower Cholesterol Level
-Promotes Healthy Blood Circulation
-Promotes Cell & DNA Regeneration
-Controls Blood Sugar
-Immune System Builder

-US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved

For other information and testimonies:
watch us at Youtube. just type on the search engine: “green barley testimonies”
or you may email for more information.
Cost per Bottle in the market: Php275.00

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